15 April 2011:
10:00 – 13:00 – Cultural Incubator, Koroška cesta 1
Kaval Making Workshop
(Participation fee: 10,00 €)Kaval Making Workshop is led by Milaim Destanovski with assistant Ervin Destanovski (They are both members of our partnering organization KUD Romi Berovo). Kaval is a wooden shepherd flute with eight holes, one of the oldest instruments in Europe, rich in tone and technical possibilities
14:00 – 16:00 – Cultural Incubator, Koroška cesta 18
Tapan Playing Workshop
(Participation fee: 10,00 €)Tapan Playing Workshop is led by Nehru Demirovski and assistant Djafer Destanovski (They are both members of our partnering organization KUD Romi Berovo), who will teach you to play basic rhythms on this traditional wooden drum. Tapan is used as an accompanying instrument, especially in combination with zurla
19:00 – Roma Cultural Association Romano anglunipe – bodočnost Maribor, Koroška cesta 5
Film screening of a Roma film Romano Illo / Roma heart (36′) and a discussion with the author Luminita Mihai Cioabă from The Rroma Social-Cultural Foundation “Ion Cioaba”, Sibiu, Romania.
Luminița Mihai Cioabă is the president of the Roma association The Rroma Social-Cultural Foundation “Ion Cioaba”, which is involved in many art and cultural projects in Romania. She is a renowned Romanian poet who has published several books of poetry in the Romany language, and wrote two theatre plays. Among her significant achievements in the preservation of the Romany language is the publication of two manuals for learning the Romany, and her participation in the project The Rromano Universe, whose purpose is to teach the Romanian Roma children their ancestral language. These children forgot the Romay due to assimilation into the Romanian society, or never even used it.
These events are partly co-financed by European Cultural Foundation (ECF) and Slovenian Ministry of Culture.
You can find a more detailed program on http://romanochon.org/about-the-festival/?lang=en
You are kindly invited to attend our festival events!
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